Tracking Bucks In The Snow! | The Whitetail Collective

Tracking Bucks In The Snow! | The Whitetail Collective

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Tracking Bucks In The Snow! | The Whitetail Collective

Tracking Bucks In The Snow! | The Whitetail Collective | Aventure Chasse Peche Orignal Chevreuil Pourvoirie et le plein air Tracking Bucks In The Snow! | The Whitetail Collective
Jon and Cody head out to some public land in New York to try their luck at tracking a buck. The deer are on the move and the guys immediately get on some fresh tracks. It isn’t long until Jon gets a deer in the crosshairs, but unfortunately with no doe tags for this unit he has to pass. The action doesn’t stop there and before you know it they are on top of a buck!

1 Item


Nicolas Thivierge | Réalisateur ACP Télé

Equipe Aventure Chasse Pêche Nicolas Thivierge  | Réalisateur ACP Télé

Equipe Aventure Chasse Pêche Nicolas Thivierge  | Réalisateur ACP Télé