Erica Lynn The rarest fish in the United States, caught for the first time using the “figure 8” technique!

Erica Lynn The rarest fish in the United States, caught for the first time using the “figure 8” technique!

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Erica Lynn The rarest fish in the United States, caught for the first time using the “figure 8” technique!
Barramundi, originally from Australia, have found a home in St Cloud, Florida, on the Osceola Outback farm. The only farm authorized to keep these exotic fish in North America, it’s a unique experience to get up close and personal with these magnificent prehistoric fish. I tried my luck for the first time, as I was one of the only fish to accept the 8-fishing technique! Let’s see if I managed to catch one!
Osceola Outback
St.Cloud, Florida
@osceolaoutbackadventures9289 (tagsTranslate)fishing
